Counting Down . . .12 weeks!

12 weeks! In just 12 weeks Aaron and I hope to be on a plane bound for Tanzania. Why are we moving?

Sensing God’s strong call, Aaron and I are moving to East Africa to live in Morogoro, Tanzania. Our target departure date is February 27th. What will we do and how long will we stay?

Our lifestyle will be to share Christ with our neighbors and in the community. Our specific projects for this year include:

  • Swahili study 3 – 4 days per week at home with a tutor
  • creation of a talented leadership team to identify new church partners
  • connect and network with other non-profits and people who can help
  • complete 12th grade in home school, graduating in December (Aaron)
  • visit Kulea children and staff in Likoni, Kenya and Chalinze, Tanzania

We don’t have an end date for our life in Tanzania. I usually say, “Maybe       3 – 7 years, but I really don’t know.” We are going with open hearts.

One house for rent that we saw in October . . .

How can you pray for us?  We will move out of our apartment at the end of December (in 3 weeks) and into my mother’s home in Austin temporarily, and then on to Tanzania at the end of February (in 12 weeks). We are excited to follow God’s call to missions. Please pray with us specifically for God’s provision for:

1) help with moving on December 29th,
2) a free place to store about 15 bins/boxes long term,
3) needed funds in time to meet deadlines for buying flights, getting our visa and work permits, etc.
4) patience with delays,
5) our emotional and spiritual preparation needed to say goodbye, to move with just suitcases, and to adjust to living in a 3rd world country.

I pray and hope that through all of this we find great joy and depend more and more on God for all that we do.

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.  Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)

Thanks for standing with us in prayer and for any help you can give to this effort!
In Christ,


Feelings about Moving Overseas

So, we’re moving, to Africa! It’s a crazy ride and I’d love to share it with you.

We’ve announced it and the evidence is all around our apartment as my 17 year old son, Aaron, and I downsize and prepare for an overseas move. For a year, I’ve prayed about what God wants and shared with close friends and family the feeling that God wants us to live and serve in Tanzania. Reactions run the gamut from people who are so happy for what God is doing to people who don’t want us to go because they will miss us.

How does it feel? Well, Aaron was ready to move a year ago (he didn’t want to come home from Tanzania), but is now feeling unsure. I’m ready to live and serve there – it feels right, though I worry about how all the details and funding will work out.  Just gathering all the paperwork required for a work permit and a residence permit is a daunting task. Thinking of all the contingencies and what I must do to keep us safe there keeps me awake at night. Downsizing, packing to store special things, and packing to move critical things are all monumental tasks to perform all while working full time.

I jotted down all the feelings I’m having regarding this move and put them into a “wordle.” While my feelings are all over the map, they don’t determine my actions. My faith in God does. So, I’m trusting Him and taking the steps of faith needed to join Him on this adventure into the unknown, to Tanzania. My confidence is in His faithfulness.

What about you? Has He been calling you to something you’re afraid of? Maybe it’s not moving to Africa, but something that challenges you to the core.  Here’s a great article about stepping out into the unknown, by Kurt Bubna. He says, “Faith is believing and obeying no matter what the costs and no matter what the risks.” Can you let go and experience your greatest adventure, pursuing God’s purpose for your life?

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.  Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)

New Year and New Hope, part 3

January 3, 2018

On New Year’s day, I received encouraging messages from different parts of the world.  I hope something here encourages you as well! This is the third post in a series.

The third message God had for me arrived from 2 different people. The first was a prayer received via email. A sweet friend in New Hampshire, Rev. Cindy Nickerson, took time to send this prayer. I have an impossible schedule between now and March 7, so I will read her prayer often. It’s encouraging.

Dear Lord, I give You thanks for your daughter, Deborah, for her faithfulness to the vision You gave her and for her commitment to the orphans of Kenya and Tanzania.

The journey has been challenging, but in your mercy and grace she continues to stay the course. Thank you for surrounding her with partners who can hold her and the Kulea ministry up to you in these challenging times that you, oh Lord, would receive all the honor and glory.

You said, “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the Kingdom of God.”  Grant Your daughter Your peace, joy and abundant grace in the coming year. In Your precious Son’s name I pray. Amen.

Cindy is one of our 90 Kulea prayer warriors. She reminded me that I am staying faithful to the vision God gave and that others are helping. (Here is an excerpt from her preaching in Chalinze, Tanzania. Pastor Dalmas Nzai of Kenya translated amid lots of baby noises in the background! Amazing!)
 The other part of the last message came from a close friend by text, when I needed it most. My friend, Debbie Kinnal, wrote:
 Hey Deb, I just wanted to tell you that if I haven’t said how much I appreciate you, I appreciate every single thing you do. I appreciate and love your friendship and I love you very very much with all my heart.
 Wow! Beautiful words. Often I worry that in my busy-ness doing the work of ministry, I may neglect my friends or family. I worry that I don’t give them enough of myself or of my time. So, when I read the above message, I smiled and felt affirmation.

I’m so grateful for how God speaks His gentle messages to us. On New Year’s Day, I heard Him through email, Messenger, a sermon, Facebook, in scripture and a text message. Taken altogether, I felt the Lord speaking to my heart, “Quiet down and rest in Me. Hear what I have for you. . . “Message 1 :  “Look to Me only for your value, your worth!”

Message 2: “Many will never understand what you do and why, but I have your back. Through My hand, the work of rescuing children will be done.”

Message 3: “My child, you are remaining faithful to My call on your life and to your family and friends. This honors Me!”

How about you? Are you listening more to what God says about you or are  depending on people for your value? God is your Creator and He loves you more than you know. Are you following His call, His vision and purpose for your life? Are you remaining faithful to that call as well as being a good friend, sister, brother, mother, father or child?

It’s a new year, full of new possibilities and new hope. Let’s listen for God’s messages in the expected and unexpected places.

Thank you, Cindy and Debbie, for your faithfulness to God, for your friendship and for taking the time to reach out. Thank You for speaking words of affirmation and life to me. As I told my daughter recently, “When you are ready to hear from God, He will speak through everyone and everything!” Amen!

A New Year and New Hope, part 2

January 2, 2018

Yesterday I received 3 unexpected messages from different parts of the world. They encouraged me and I felt they were messages from the Lord. I hope something here encourages you! Lots to say, so I divided the messages into 3 posts: Jan 1, 2, and 3rd!

Message 1 :  “Look to Me only for your value, your worth!”

Message 2: “Many will never understand what you do and why, but I (God) have your back. Through My hand, the work of rescuing children will be done.”

The second message arrived in a Facebook post from a new friend. I’ve only met the amazing Lora Williams once, but it was an honor. Lora grew up in the inner city in a tough life, but God is using her story to change the lives of others, who are broken in spirit. She is a nurse and a bright light for Christ in a time filled with anxiety and hopelessness. Instead of saying more, let me quote her and you will get a glimpse of her heart.

Tonight …. I had the honor and privilege to sit among the most precious treasure on Earth, people who can be overlooked & tossed aside as worthless. In reality they are the “GREATS.” Oh, I can’t forget I was once classified as the worthless nobody who would never… hahaha too bad my God didn’t ask my past to establish who I AM. Ultimately I AM HIS!

Just from that passage, you can see Lora’s deep desire to bring worth to the “worthless,” and hope to the forgotten. Yesterday, she posted another insightful message on Facebook and while not sent directly to me, I took it as a second message from God.

You have to remember that not everyone will comprehend the vision that God has given you. It’s not about other people seeing it. It’s about you seeing it and walking it out without hesitation or doubt, understanding that God has your back no matter what. Many will never understand why you do what you do & how you do you! But you have to keep doing what only you can do best YOU. NO ONE CAN EVER BE YOU! NO ONE CAN EVER COMPARE! YOU ARE RARE , & ORIGINAL. Here’s to MORE in 2018

Thank you, Lora! You remind me to keep pressing on anyway, even when people don’t understand this road I’m walking.

You’re so right! Most will never get it, and we frustrate ourselves by trying to help them understand. I tell my stories, show photos and even ask for donations (not sacrificial giving, but something small out of their full basket). Some listen attentively and express amazement saying, “What you do in Africa is wonderful!” Then, they turn back to their lives, unchanged.  In those moments my heart cries out, “God, send someone to care about the things that break Your heart. Send someone whose heart will break, too. Send someone with the financial resources or the talents needed so that much more can be done for your church and your children in East Africa!”

In those low times, I’m reminded of words from Isaiah 30:21. God asks me to do only my part leaving the rest (the outcome) in His hands.

21 “and whenever you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear this command behind you: “This is the way. Walk in it.”

Few of my closest friends and family members support the vision I have for orphans. Most do not and they don’t understand what I do or why. When I think about that, and feel great discouragement, I hear God saying, This is the way. Walk in it.  I feel pressured to cheer for their cruise, their trips to Europe or Hawaii or a newly remodeled kitchen, while I can only remember that they saw no value in our work of rescuing children in Africa. So I distance myself; they don’t understand this calling. As I feel low, God pulls me close, and whispers to my heart, This is the way. Walk in it. 

My heart, thoughts and dreams are always with the orphans in East Africa. To know that is to understand me. I am always thinking of how we can share their stories better, and help people here to see the desperate and legitimate needs of our children. I’m “on” this job 24-7 in terms of my brain and heart engagement, because THIS IS THE WAY, and I’M WALKING IN IT!

Thank you, Lora Williams, for your faithfulness to God and for speaking openly from your heart, reminding us that, “Many (maybe most) will never understand what we do and why, but God will have our backs.”

This is the way; Walk in it!

A New Year and New Hope

January 1, 2018

Today I received 3 unexpected messages from different parts of the world. They have so encouraged me and I hope something here encourages you! As usual, I’m not succinct when writing from my heart, so I’ll divide this into 3 posts: Jan 1, 2, and 3rd! Grab a cup of tea and join me by the fire!

Message 1: God is saying, “Look to Me only for your value, your worth!”

This first message arrived on Messenger from a strong follower of Christ named Kashma, who I  gave my travel Bible to in 2014. He wanted an English Bible more than anything else on earth – really! It really spoke to me about how much value He places on God’s Word and I considered how much I value the Word of God. I fail miserably in comparison to his faith.

I don’t know Kashma well – I think I’ve only met him once, but have frequently enjoyed his posts of scripture or words of encouragement on Facebook. He has limited English, lives in a small Maasai village, and lives totally all out for Jesus. Proud to consider him my brother in Christ.

Here is what he took the time to send me today.


So, I looked up Jeremiah 1:5-9 and read,

I chose you before I formed you in the womb;
I set you apart before you were born.
I appointed you a prophet to the nations.

But I protested, “Oh no, Lord God! Look, I don’t know how to speak since I am only a youth.”

Then the Lord said to me:

Do not say, ‘I am only a youth,’
for you will go to everyone I send you to
and speak whatever I tell you.
Do not be afraid of anyone,
for I will be with you to rescue you.
This is the Lord’s declaration.

Then the Lord reached out his hand, touched my mouth, and told me:

I have now filled your mouth with my words.

Wow! That spoke strongly to me. The idea of following Christ and going wherever He sends me doesn’t seem difficult, but something else in this scripture was meant just for me. Find it so tough! I was a bit stunned that Kashma sent this of all the passages in the Bible. I wasn’t sure how to reply and feebly sent a message wishing him a blessed 2018. In my heart I knew God was speaking to me.

Specifically, in the section that begins, “Do not say, ‘I am only…'” where Jeremiah is complaining to the Lord. I have complained to God for several years, more like whining if I’m being honest.

“God, if only xx would stop saying cruel things to me or about me, then I could be more effective for You.”

Truth. I’ve let one person rob me of my joy (often) and it’s silenced me in many ways. For example, I have not posted to this blog for a year and have felt insecure in leadership and in life due to this person. Do you have someone like that in your life? How can a single person’s words be louder than what our Savior says of us? Why do we let them steal our joy?

One of my favorite worship songs (by Hillsong) “In Control” reminds me that the waves will always come, but He will tame them.

The wind and waves will come,                                                                    but I will stay here.                                                                                               I lift my hands to Heaven, here my heart surrendered, I tell my soul again, You are Lord of all!         And though the seas are raging, You will speak and tame them. In You I find my rest, You are in control.


Today,  God’s message was about my need to look only to Him for my worth and not to anyone else. One person cannot put out the fire in my heart for Christ, nor can 100 or 1,000. I am ineffective only when I stop hearing what God says about me. Maybe that’s true for you, too.

Thank you,brother Kashma, for your faithfulness to Christ and for taking time to remind me that if we are true followers, His words will be the loudest thing we hear each day!

God’s Call, My Obedience: Part 3


Hey friends,

Thanks so much for stopping by. I really appreciate anyone who cares to read my posts and love reading your comments. This is Part 3 of a three-part series as I try to explain how or why I left a career in teaching and changed the direction of my life. If you haven’t read parts 1 and 2, you may want to start there.

Stepping out into the unknown. I had obstacles in front of me from the start.

  1. Self-doubt.I thought, “Why me? How can I possibly do this?” With time I realized God uses people every day, so I changed my question to, “Why not me? With Him, we can do something for children.”
  2. Doubt from others. I had family members and friends wonder if I had gone crazy (many still wonder, ha ha). They fully expected me to stay on the path of teaching school and eventually become a school administrator. That was the plan. Those were my plans and they made sense, but they weren’t His plans. This sudden change in direction, with no financial assurance, made no sense. It seemed a little like  . . . well, maybe I had “too much religion” or something.

On the other hand, there were many friends praying with me about this feeling of call, and some of them felt the same strong calling to do more than a short-term mission trip. These people of faith, men and women, gave me much courage during that time.

I knew in my heart that nothing would make sense if I didn’t follow God. I decided to stop doubting and worrying about what other people thought. I had to go forward, and as Joyce Meyer says, Do it afraid. I knew this calling and purpose was clear and even specific, but how? How was I to make it happen? That was a big question and required much faith. Quickly I would learn that I, Deborah Brown, was not going to make anything happen. Only with God could this impossible thing become possible.

Praying Together for Orphans. I began praying each week with some amazing women meeting at my kitchen table, women who also felt that we should do more for orphans than a 10 day mission trip and women who recognized the call of God on my life. These women began to feel God speaking into their own hearts and they were dedicated to following His call, too. After several months of praying, we asked our church if they could help us start a ministry for orphans in Tanzania and Kenya, specifically to build homes and schools. The church mission team took our request seriously and prayed for some time. They finally replied, “We believe the calling to be genuine, of God, but the size of this vision is bigger than any one church. We think you should start a non-profit organization and we will be your first supporting church.”

What?? Hey! This was not what I said yes to. (That’s exactly what I said to God). I thought it would be easier than this! Who was I to start a non-profit organization? Who were we? (Remember the ladies at my kitchen table?)

As I began to read everything I could about non-profits and to look online for other people working with orphans in Africa, I couldn’t get enough. I wanted to read everything — every book, blog or website. I came across a book by Janine Maxwell, called It’s Not Okay with Me. I read it in 2 days and then called her. Just picked up the phone, and called her….and, she answered! She was driving carpool and I was, too. After speaking with Janine, I decided to go on her next Heart for Africa trip, with my daring new friend, Kelly Lacourse. We both felt it was a good idea and we knew what God was asking of us regarding orphans. So we extended our trip and traveled to Chalinze, Tanzania and also to Mombasa, Kenya, after the Heart for Africa trip, to meet with the pastors that God was telling me to work with. I asked God, “Couldn’t I just help Janine? I’m sure she needs help.” Running. I was still running from a specific job He had for me, and I knew it. It seemed to me that God was very quiet. I was still a little stubborn.

Not too long after that trip, I learned Janine needed someone to edit Heart for Africa’s land-use plan for grammar and usage, and also someone to edit her second book, Is It Okay With You? before it went to the publisher. I was happy to volunteer and tried to tell God how great this work was; tried to rationalize that I WAS obeying Him, in a round-about way, by volunteering for this great non-profit. I even arranged for her to speak at my church, West Congregational Church (are you watching, God?). The ladies praying at my kitchen table began to meet again and I confessed to them that I would MUCH rather work with another group, but God was being clear. We were to obey Him and create sustainable ‘village’ communities for orphan care in Tanzania and Kenya with the pastors He had shown us. In fact, I met those pastors 12 years earlier when I lived in Tanzania with my family for 7 months. It’s so amazing how God prepares things and connects the dots.

In my former life as a teacher, and through training and experience in supervision, I had some skills in administration and management. I had no idea that these skills would be needed in a big way. Also, I’m organized, project driven and efficient, things I learned from my mother! I’ve needed all these skills plus the skills and determination in each of those women of faith, Kelly, Pam Hansen, Melissa Nickerson, Renee Villafane and so many more men and women. We built a non-profit from the ground up with no experience, just sheer determination, willingness to learn, and big dreams of changing the world for orphaned children. Did I mention it’s taken a lot of stubbornness, too?

Why would I change the total trajectory of my life? It’s simple. God clearly asked me to do something, and said He expected obedience and He would provide everything else. I just said, “Yes.” Now, I’m on a mission to give God full control of my life and follow where He leads, every day. It’s not always easy, in fact, some days and months it’s incredibly hard to keep trusting Him as I feel the weight of responsibility on my shoulders for our staff in East Africa, our children and our many volunteers. It’s not easy to trust your whole life into His hands, but it’s the best way to live.

This blog is for anyone looking for their purpose in life and for those trying hard to follow God’s call in their life. It’s for anyone taking steps forward in faith, without seeing the whole path. It’s for our Kulea Villages founders, friends, donors to be able to follow stories of the children (those stories begin with next blog, January 1).

Stubbornness and Faith. I’ve often wondered why God asked me to spear-head the start-up of Kulea Villages and I’m guessing it’s because of stubbornness and faith. From the time I was a child, I was really stubborn (my family agrees). As an adult, I find myself often hesitant to commit to something, but once I do, I’m all in – totally immersed. I’m too stubborn to give up when people tell me we will never grow large enough to accomplish the dreams God gave us for orphans, or that we can’t make it due to deep cultural differences that may at times negatively affect our operations. I remember the day God asked me to obey and promised that He would ‘bring it’. He promised to do this and I have total faith that He will. I will stubbornly follow Him all the way.

God’s Call, My Obedience: Part 2


wp-pictureHey friend! Let’s pour a cup of tea and sit together. I want to share with you how I went from teacher to founder/leader of a non-profit that helps orphans. In today’s post, the story continues and I’m so grateful to anyone that takes time to sit and read it. As I said before, this story resides close to my heart. It’s a testimony to God’s direction, care and grace despite my fear and stubbornness. I’m committed to being transparent with you and so I will imagine “you” as just one friend, sitting across the table from me as I share my heart. Thanks for joining me.

Chaos in My Soul

In 2008, I was happily raising my children, substitute teaching, tutoring and leading Children’s Ministry at my local church in Massachusetts, when something happened to change the direction of my life. I went to Uganda on a mission trip with West Congregational Church to build a home for orphans with Watoto Ministries. One evening while there, I felt overwhelmed by such a strong sense of call and purpose, that when I tried to return to life as I knew it, there was complete chaos inside my soul.

A Call. In Uganda, that evening outside a French restaurant, I suddenly knew with total clarity that I was to do something serious to help orphans and widows. I know, it sounds crazy, but it was clear and compelling. I knew this was my purpose, but it went against all the expectations and commitments I had in life at that time. I had a clear picture that there were children who will die, without someone to go and help. God impressed on my heart that I was to help using what He just showed me in Uganda: a successful model of orphan care. He also let me know that I would do this work in Kenya and Tanzania in partnership with pastors he had already shown me (three pastors I knew from 1995-1996 when I lived in Tanzania, teaching at the Baptist Seminary in Arusha). He showed me the model and the partners and asked me to join Him in this mission. I argued with Him. “God, do you understand that Watoto is a multi-million dollar ministry? I have a mini-van and $12 in my pocket. Also, my husband is more talented than I am — I think you should ask Him to do this. He will be great!”  Lots of arguing (I’m quite stubborn at times). God continued to ask me, not in an audible voice, but in a way that I knew beyond a shadow of doubt that it was Him moving my heart.

No! How could I possibly say yes to this? Who would believe that God, the Creator of the world, was speaking to me? I was afraid. Terrified. I felt unprepared for such a monumental task. I felt disturbed inside as I tried to brush aside the intense feelings of God’s calling, and return to “normal” life. I found resuming life as I knew it impossible and there was no relief from a growing burden in my heart for the children in need. I felt a kinship to Jonah during this time.

Misery before obedience. I want to try to describe the next eight weeks of my life to you. During that time I said, “No” to God daily and walked in total misery, weighted down. I found myself weeping daily and felt I was deep in grief over something which I could not explain. God used this grief to show me it was Him, because prior to that I was not someone who cried much, even at funerals. Suddenly I was crying many times a day, every day. In addition to the tears, if I closed my eyes to pray or sleep, I could only see a clear black and white scene of children in East Africa, sleeping on the street under trash for as far as I could see. This vision was there EVERY time I closed my eyes. I couldn’t escape it.

I felt very much alone. My family tried to understand what I was going through, and my husband was really concerned, but I felt I could not explain well to anyone what was happening within me. I didn’t understand it; how could I explain it? Also, I felt far from God because I was saying no to Him. I couldn’t do simple things like buy groceries (left a full grocery cart and fled the store in tears). One morning my son, Davis, was getting ready for high school and came in the kitchen to find me totally in tears, again. He said, “Mom, maybe you should go back to Africa and try to figure this thing out.” I replied, “No, I know what ‘this thing’ is. God is asking me to do something impossible — I just can’t.” At precisely that moment, my daughter, Lindsey, came through preparing to go to the University of New Hampshire for class and heard this discussion. Her observation was, “Mom, if GOD is asking you, then you need to go ahead and do whatever it is, because He will not stop asking.” With that, she was out the door.

During these eight weeks, other events confirmed to me that God was in this. I wrote a song about orphans — unplanned. The words and melody were just in my head one day and I couldn’t write it down fast enough. Two weeks later while driving another song “came.” I spoke out loud in my car, “OK, God. Very funny. It’s night, I’m driving at least 20 more minutes and you give me an entire song now? Well, You’ll just have to remind me of the whole thing, melody too, when I get home to my keyboard because I AM over forty, You know, and it is night time!” He reminded me. In addition to writing songs, I suddenly wanted to paint. I had no idea why, as I had never painted. However, I needed to paint. So, I began art lessons with Nicole DeClerck Murray (who is a wonderful teacher)! Today both painting and creating music are two of the best ways that I can use to tune out worries and relax.

Saying Yes; Broken. During those 8 weeks, I read a book that was incredibly helpful and today remains my favorite book after the Bible. Kay Warren had recently written Dangerous Surrender: What Happens When You Say Yes to God?  If you have struggled with answering a call from God in your life, I recommend you read Kay’s book. I felt like she was inside my head. Page after page, Kay Warren’s writing was like reading the intense chaos of my soul on paper. I thought, “How does she know this is what I’m feeling?” She put forth the challenge to follow God anyway, despite fear, embarrassment, rejection or uncertainty. Step out into the unknown with a very known God.

The chaos inside me stemmed from my total desire and longing to follow God anywhere contrasted with the practical side of me that saw my responsibilities and the things I was ‘expected’ to do. Finally, after 8 weeks of crying daily, not eating much, grieving, seeing that vision in my eyes, living in my own world of creating, feeling distant from everyone . . . after all of that, I couldn’t cry another tear. I was spent — wiped out. I finally was broken. In my soul “the rug was ripped out from under my feet” and I found myself on my face before God, saying, “Okay! I’ll do it. I surrender to Your plan.” God broke through all my excuses, my reasoning and fears. I gave up my plans for His. I decided to abandon the familiar, change my life’s direction and live out this purpose, His purpose.

The very next morning, I woke up and felt a twinge of fear. I took a deep breath and thought, “Oh, no! What have I promised Him?” Suddenly, I felt a physical warmth around my shoulders as if someone had draped a blanket over me, and I felt God speaking in my spirit, “I’m here. You made this so difficult. All I wanted was your obedience. You only needed to say ‘yes,’ because I will bring the rest. Relax!”

Relief! From that time forward, I have never closed my eyes and seen the scene of children on the streets, and my daily crying episodes stopped immediately, that day. It was like flipping off a light switch. Truly, I only had to say “Yes.”

I’m stopping here, because the rest of the story is long. I promise to wrap it up next time (December 1st) and then move on to stories of the Kulea Villages ministry. Next time I will share what happened after I surrendered and said, “Yes.” There were definitely obstacles, doubts and sometimes fears.

If you read a post that has meaning to you, please leave me a comment and/or share it with your friends. I would love your help in building an audience for the things God is impressing on my heart. I hope something here will help you along your journey, as you find and live out your purpose.

God’s Call, My Obedience: Part 1

I believe each person has a calling, and if we are listening, it will be revealed.

I want to share my journey. Maybe it can help you find your purpose.

I’m Deborah Brown, mom, former teacher, tutor and preschool director, and now founder and executive director of Kulea Childcare Villages.

I work with amazing volunteers and staff members, who have a huge passion to help orphaned children. Together we consider ourselves a “village.” Though overused, we take the phrase, “It takes a village,” seriously, because we know that together we can do more.

How did I get here? That’s a great question and honestly, the answer is not short. I’m going to explain it over the next 2 posts, because the story is that long! Those who know me, know I like to talk. I hope my blog is like sitting down with me over a cup to tea and sharing the stories and insights pressing on my heart that day. I’m excited to have this opportunity to share what God is teaching me. I’m grateful for anyone who takes time to read my posts. I don’t have all the answers, but my heart is open and I’m listening.

I will share about our Kulea children, volunteers serving with us in East Africa, my faith journey, building our first village for orphans, education in East Africa, meeting needs, frustrations, funny stories, and other groups helping orphans.

If you read a post that has meaning to you, please leave a comment and/or share it with your friends. I would love your help in building an audience for the things God is impressing on my heart. I hope something here will help you along your journey, as you find and live out your purpose. May He receive all the glory for anything good that I may write, for truly great things He has done.


In my next post, I will share how chaotic my life became when God decided to change the trajectory of my life and career. Chaotic, not because of Him, but because of the weeks I acted like Jonah, sitting in the belly of the whale and refusing to do what God was asking. Hey, it felt an impossible assignment and my practical, planning nature could not come to terms with it. So, I was stubborn and said, “No” for eight miserable, chaotic weeks. This story resides close to my heart and I find myself uneasy sharing such a huge part of me with the public – like unzipping the deep recesses of my heart for anyone to examine. However, I’m focused on that image of sitting across the table from you, sharing a cup of tea with only you. I’ll be transparent and tell you what transpired to get me from teaching school to following God on a crazy journey to rescuing orphans in East Africa.

Hey, if you want to read my future posts (and finish the story I started here) I plan to publish once a month on the first of each month. See you November 1st!